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Every organization, regardless of size or mission, needs a carefully crafted and clear set of brand standards to help define and maintain its identity. Brand guidelines should apply to all aspects of an organization’s communication efforts, both internal and external.

Branding and identity standards are meant to assist employees and partners with the creation and proper execution of branded communications. This document provides an overview of the Grove City Area School District brand and is a guide for consistent design and communications with references to approved language, typefaces, design elements, color palettes, logo usage, and the overall emotion and persona of the brand. Used consistently over time, these standards will help build a powerful identity in the hearts and minds of our audience.

While designers and marketing professionals always have some flexibility with regard to branded materials, the integrity of the standards found in our new logos and colors should always be adhered to and can be found below.  We recognize that we have strict guidelines on use of font, color, and approved logos for team use apparel and will adhere to this policy whether the school district or boosters are buying the apparel for the team or student organization.  Team apparel is a requirement for student participants.  Examples of team apparel include uniforms, warmups, singlets, group tee shirts worn on a regular basis as part of the uniforms, etc.

With that being said, the District recognizes that our booster groups, clubs, and student organizations may want to create apparel to celebrate things such as playoff wins, Pinkouts, Whiteouts, Blackouts, etc. as well as be creative with phrases, slogans, or images specific to a sport, club, or event.  We also know that apparel sales promote school spirit, camaraderie, and provide an opportunity for our boosters and clubs to raise funds that are used to support our students.  If your group would like to create apparel, such as those mentioned above, and want to use the logos found below, they must be adhered to as described on our website.

In addition, in terms of fan wear and special event apparel, some exceptions will be made within the following guidelines:

  1. The designs must be content appropriate.  

  2. If a gold is used in the design, it must be Vegas gold. 

  3. If Grove City or GCAHS is used in the design, it must be in the approved font (Sporty Pro).

  4. If an eagle is used that is not a character for a special event, it must be the approved eagle(s) found on our website.  A few examples of an exception to the approved eagle is an eagle in a helmet, an eagle smashing a volleyball, or a muscular eagle in a wrestling singlet, etc.

If you are interested in creating specialized apparel to promote an event, celebrate a success, or creatively support your sport, club, or school activity; we expect you to adhere to the guidelines above and submit all potential designs and descriptions that deviate from the board approved materials to Mr. Casey Young, GCASD Athletic Director, at and copy Dr. Joshua Weaver, GCASD Assistant Superintendent, at for review and approval.  This is an effort to support and be flexible all while protecting the GCASD brand.  If your group would be interested in having a GCHS student design any potential artwork as part of a students’ classroom experience, please reach out to Mr. Jay Marstellar, one of our tech ed teachers at GCHS, at for further assistance.

In order to further develop the brand, the district will have discretion to continue to develop guidance as the need arises.  Should you have any questions regarding this update, please contact Casey Young to discuss.


GCASD Formal Academic Seal





GCASD Monogram




GCASD Informal Word Mark


GCASD Informal Full Mark



GCASD Informal Partial Mark




GCASD Eagle Head Only 


GCASD Eagle Only  



GCASD Brand Colors

Pantone [PMS] Color Assignments

  • Formal seal [GCASD], 4-color: white, black, 4515 [gold], cool grey 3 [light grey]
  • Monogram [GC], 3-color: white, black, 4515 [gold]
  • Wordmark [GC EAGLES], 3-color: white, black, 4515 [gold]
  • Informal full mark [eagle full body with GC EAGLES words], and also eagle only [full body], 6-color: white, black, 4515 [gold], 7540 [charcoal], cool grey 9 [mid/dark grey], cool grey 8 [mid grey]
  • Informal partial mark [eagle head with GC EAGLES words], and also eagle only [head], 4-color: white, black, 4515 [gold], 7540 [charcoal]

HEX Conversions:

  • White: none
  • Gold 4515: B3A369
  • Cool grey 3: C8C9C7
  • Cool grey 8: 888B8D
  • Cool grey 9: 75787B
  • Charcoal 7540: 4B4F54
  • Black: 2D2926


Incorrect Usage of District Logos

  • Do NOT change the logo color(s).
  • Do NOT crop the logo.
  • Do NOT stretch or squish the logo.
  • Do NOT add to or subtract from the logo.
  • Do NOT recreate or replace elements of the logo.
  • Do NOT use just the outline of the logo.