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Special Education

Special Education Plan




The District offers a wide variety of Special Education Services to children and youth throughout its schools, which include:

  • Psychological Services
  • Multidisciplinary Evaluation (IEP)
  • Hearing Support – (IU 4)
  •  Speech
  • Guidance Services
  • Occupational Therapy 
  • Special Education Classes
  • Gifted Support
  • Physical Therapy
  • Standardized Testing Program
  • Homebound Instruction
  • Vision Support – (IU 4)
  • Inclusive Practices
  • Emotional Support
  • Autistic Support
  • Multi-handicapped Support


 The District provides services and programs individually designed to meet the identified conditions and needs of children and youth, which include:

  • Autisim
  • Hearing Impaired Incl. Deafness
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Deaf/Blindness
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Speech and Language Impairment
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Gifted with a disability
  • Other Health Impairments
  • Visually Impaired Incl. Blindness
  • Gifted without a disability
  • Multiple Disabilities


“The district is compelled to meet the needs of every child, without exception. We are here to equip all learners for successful futures.”

Complying with the state and federal law, and our local commitment, the District provides to each identified student any and all related aids, services or accommodations, without discrimination or cost to the student or family. These are needed to provide equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy all the benefits of after-school programs and extracurricular activities to the maximum extent of one’s abilities. We provide for both exceptional students and “protected handicapped” students with physical and intellectual disabilities, which limits or prohibits participation in, or access to, an aspect of public education.

If you believe that your school-age child may need Special Education Services and related programs, or your young child (age 3 to school-age) may need early intervention, you may request screening and evaluation at any time, at no cost whatsoever, whether or not your child is enrolled in the District.

Throughout the year, the District carries out ongoing activities to identify students who may be eligible for Special Education or related programs.


Psychological Services

These services include the evaluation of students, recommendations to teachers, and parent conferences.  Psychological tests are administered for a variety of reasons by the school psychologist.  Parents/guardians will be advised in advance of the need for testing and must give consent for the testing to be done.  After the testing has been completed and reports prepared, parents/guardians are notified and appropriate conferences are scheduled.

Multidisciplinary Evaluation

If a student is identified as exceptional, a Multidisciplinary Evaluation (MDE) will take place after the psychological evaluation.  Information will be recorded from the student’s parents/guardians, persons familiar with the student’s educational experience and performance, and the psychologist.  This evaluation may lead to recommending whether a student is exceptional and/or needs some Learning Support, presented in an Evaluation Report (ER) developed by the District in consultation with a child’s parent/guardian.  If special education services are required, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be developed that details the services required.  Those who suspect their child is exceptional may request a Multidisciplinary Evaluation for their child at any time throughout the calendar year.


Services of a speech therapist are available to children referred for help in verbal communication. Diagnostic and corrective procedures are administered. The therapist will screen current and new kindergarten pupils for possible speech/language defects. Other students will be screened at the request of the classroom teacher, principal, and/or parent/guardian.

Guidance Services

In the District, the elementary school has a guidance counselor, and the middle and high schools each have two counselors. Counselors provide various services for all students and, as history has shown, is an excellent resource for parents/guardians.

Special Education Classes

A number of classes are offered for students with learning challenges.  Learning Support, Life Skills Support and Multiple Disabilities Support are available.  In addition, classes are held for the Gifted, Learning Disabled, Autistic Support, Emotional Support, and Hearing and Visual Support. Some services may take place in an out-of-district placement, dependent upon need.

Gifted Support

To meet the special education needs of gifted students, the District has provided a resource classroom approach with highly effective results. The program met specific goals in affective, cognitive, socialization, leadership, and creative areas. Formal steps are followed for admittance to the program.

Learning Disabilities Program

Programs are available for children who have been diagnosed as Learning Disabled.  Some students qualify for full-time assistance to help overcome their learning disability, and others are provided part-time assistance.

Standardized Testing Program

For a list of standardized tests used in the district, don't hesitate to contact Jennifer Connelly, Director of Pupil Services.

Home Schooling

Parents/guardians are to notify the Superintendent’s Office for information about the format and regulations of homeschooling, designed to educate one’s child at home.

Homebound Instruction

This service is provided for children who cannot attend regularly scheduled school for a prolonged period due to a bona fide medical or psychological problem. Upon receipt of a medical excuse from the doctor or psychiatrist, the District will provide tutorial help for the student.

Hearing Impaired

From initial screening assistance to special instruction, a hearing teacher is available as a “second opinion” to the school nurse by IU 4 before a student is referred to an audiologist.  If a child shows a significant loss of hearing or difficulty in class, special sessions are set up to provide auditory, speech, reading, and language instruction.  Depending upon the severity of loss, intervention can range from consultation to inclusion in a resource room.  Interpreting services are also available upon determination of a child’s needs.

Vision Impaired

The District’s Vision Impaired program offers support services to children identified as blind and/or visually impaired. Children who qualify must have a visual field of less than 20 degrees and/or 20/70 or worse in the best eye with correction. Children ranging from age 3 to post-12th grade are served. Support may be provided within the school or home setting by the IU 4 staff.

Grove City Area School District is committed to providing a future-focused educational program that:

  • is developmentally appropriate
  • nurtures students’ unique talents and interests
  • is engaging and rigorous
  • meets the needs of every child, without exception


 Equipping all learners for successful futures.

For further information about programs, evaluation, and screening, as well as about the rights of parents and children and due process, don't hesitate to get in touch with Jennifer Connelly, Director of Pupil Services, at 724-458- 6733 ext. 2140, Dr. Jeffrey Finch, Superintendent at 724-458-6733 or any building principal.

Annual Public Notice of Special Education and Early Intervention Services and Programs

Change in Age of Eligibility for Free and Appropriate Public Education

Amended Age of Eligibility Policy